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Selenite Pendants

Selenite Pendants

Regular price ₱490.00 PHP
Regular price Sale price ₱490.00 PHP
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This crystal jewelry is a “must have” in anyone’s collection. It is one of the few crystals in the world that never needs to be cleansed, this is what makes it so special. Selenite is known for its almost unique gift to cleanse and recharge itself, the surrounding environment and other crystals. Just place the crystal you want to clean by its side and leave it there for as long as you think is necessary. Some believe it can clean a crystal in only 15 minutes. This legendary crystal is also well known for its healing powers as it can also cleanse the aura of a person and help raise their frequency. Selenite is the ideal stone to decorate an altar, a living room, a desk, a home, a business or even an office. It is a great gemstone for meditation and to get rid of negative energy in our lives.

This stone is known as the ultimate cleanser, unblocking stagnant energy and removing all negative energies. While wearing Selenite, it will act as a powerful shield that protects both yourself and the space around you. It will bring healing energy to you, and encourages calm sleep and soothing dreams.

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