Collection: Lucky 2025 Forecast for Rabbit

Year Of The Rabbit: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011,2023

The Rabbit in 2025 echoes the lyrics of the Beatles’ “With A Little Help From My Friends.” While this year doesn’t present the Rabbit with an abundance of positive stars, there’s no need to worry—the Rabbit has powerful support systems to rely on. This year, your ability to build connections, seek support, and focus on helping others will be the key to thriving, even amidst challenges.


This year brings exciting career opportunities, including the potential for promotions or leadership roles. Your creativity and problem-solving skills will be highly valued. Stay proactive, and you’ll see significant professional growth

The Prison Inmate is one of the trickiest negative stars to deal with because its effects are often subtle yet insidious. This star brings feelings of being trapped—physically, mentally, or emotionally. On a physical level, it could mean actual situations like being stuck in an elevator or, more metaphorically, being unable to break free from a situation. But its more pervasive effects are internal, creating limited perspectives and mental traps that make breakthroughs seem impossible.

Thoughts like “I always mess up” or “I have no choice are mental traps that will keep you stuck. Be aware and conscious to avoid them. The same with “All or Nothing” mentality. The Prison Inmate thrives on extremes—if something isn’t perfect, it feels like a failure. Learn to embrace progress over perfection. For those times when you feel slumped or overwhelmed or as though you are trapped in victim narratives or when you have lost your personal powerEmerald is the stone that will lend a hand and lift you right back up. 

The Calamity Sha intensifies the effects of the Prison Inmate, creating fatalistic thinking that manifests as defensiveness and over-generalization. You might react emotionally instead of rationally, shutting down constructive feedback or solutions.

Curiosity can be a powerful antidote to this.  Seek new perspectives and remain open to possibilities, even if they seem unconventional.

Here are some aides to this affliction:

  • Larimar supports a state of confident well-being and awareness of one's capacities.. It's effects on one's mental state are numerous. 
  • Agates enhance mental function as they improve concentration. perception and analytical abilities, leading to practical solutions.
  • Pyrite enhances intelligence and mental clarity, which helps in decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Sodalite  is a powerful crystal known for enhancing mental clarity, communication, and intuition. It is often referred to as the "Stone of Logic" due to its ability to boost rational thought and calm the mind.
  • Peach Moonstone is a mood booster and should help those who are having a hard time being positive.
  • Purple Brecciated Jasper pushes past self-limiting beliefs
  • Rainbow Obsidian enhances self-awareness, encouraging individuals to face their inner shadows and work through fears or limiting beliefs. It fosters inner strength and courage.
  • Arashan supports personal transformation and growth by helping release limiting beliefs. 


Financially, this is a promising year. Be open to exploring new investment opportunities but proceed with caution. Saving and planning for the future will also ensure long-term financial stability.

The Thriving star is your saving grace in 2025, symbolizing wealth and opportunities from friends and your support system.

This star is about leveraging your network to overcome challenges. If you’re stuck in a metaphorical prison, let your friends bring the key. If your energy is low, borrow it from others. But to activate the Thriving star, you need to remain open—open to advice, collaboration, and giving back.

To leverage on this star, build your support system by strengthening your relationships and surrounding yourself with positive influences. Position yourself in helping others to help yourself. Focus outward by mentoring, volunteering, or being of service. Shifting your focus away from your problems often creates breakthroughs. And lastly, be open to receiving. Let down your defenses and allow others to support you. When you focus on being valuable to others, you’ll naturally gain the courage and perspective to tackle your own challenges.

Here are some friendship stones that may help you foster connection this year:

  • Jade is a stone that’s believed to bring not only  good luck and prosperity but also harmony in friendship. It teaches you to receive and be open to external help
  • Turquoise is also associated with strengthening bonds and connections between people. It can help to cultivate a sense of loyalty and trust, allowing you to build deeper and more meaningful relationships with others.
  • Aquamarine is known for its ability to promote friendship and enhance emotional connections. It can help to foster deeper and more meaningful relationships, allowing you to cultivate a stronger sense of community and belonging.

The Sky Dog star may influence wastage in finances if you do not think twice before big purchases. If you must buy a car or home in 2025, take extra precautions and avoid making major decisions in March (Rabbit month).


The year favors deepening existing relationships for Rabbits. Communication and mutual understanding will strengthen romantic and personal connections

Here are the stones that can help support your relationships in 2025:

  • Rhodonite enhances understanding and connecting with others on a deeper emotional level.
  • Yellow Jade enhances compassion and understanding, fostering harmonious and fulfilling connections.
  • Rose Quartz encourages clear communication and emotional expression in relationships, helping to resolve conflicts with love and understanding.
  • Infinite Stone encourages open-hearted communication and understanding in relationships.
  • Pietersite is the most powerful stone to heal relationships. It is a stone that can mend bridges. It develops empathy, compassion, and understanding


In 2025, Rabbits need to be mindful of stress management and maintaining physical activity to avoid burnout. A balanced diet and regular relaxation will keep them in good shape

The Calamity Sha also denotes increased risks of natural disasters that may affect you. Whether it is flooding, earthquakes, or severe weather, heed warnings and prepare accordingly. During these times, choose to be rational, not emotional. When faced with challenges, take a step back and assess the situation logically. Preparedness is key. Repair damages to your home, especially in the East sector, and stay on top of insurance updates Avoid high-risk areas. when planning travel or activities, steer clear of disaster-prone locations. 

Here are stones that can aide you from this afflicting star:

  • Leklai is a rare magical metal hat forms naturally in deep inaccessible caves that is powerful enough to  prevent disasters and drive bad luck
  • Smoky Quartz helps guard the home, vehicles and possessions against theft, damage and accidents caused by human error. It also enhances survival instincts.
  • Black Tuxedo Agate It  protects you from danger, gives power against forces of darkness, and brings emotions into equilibrium.

The Sky Dog represents loss, wastage, and heightened accident risks, while the Funeral Guest signals low energy and a weakened immune system. Together, they emphasize the importance of caution and self-care in 2025.To handle these stars, prioritize self-care - rest, rejuvenate, and avoid environments with higher risks of infection. It is also advised to be present when driving, handling sharp objects, or operating machinery to reduce accident risks.

The Special Health Edition Bracelet may be your best ally to help you with strengthening your physical body and boost its ability to heal and repair by complementing your health regimen or healing protocol.  This special combination are composed of authentic and rare stones sourced by Stargazer around the world:

  • Seraphinite enhances detoxification (both physical and spiritual)
  • Moss Agate speeds up recovery from illness. It is anti-inflammatory, cleanses the circulatory and elimination systems, and boosts the immune system.
  • Bloodstone aids in regulating and supporting blood flow circulation. It  also reduces pus formation, neutralizes toxins and stimulates the lymphatic system, healing inflammations and infections.
  • Phrenite  aids in strengthening bones, teeth, nails, and alleviating high stress levels
  • Kambaba Jasper is an exotic stone that is  a powerful detoxifier and can help boost the immune system, promoting better health.
  • Shungite is a highly-researched stone that purifies water, kills bacteria and viruses, have antioxidant properties, relieves stress & inflammation, & shields from electromagnetic field radiation (EMF)

Other tools that can boost your immune system:

  • Quantum Quattro is a magical healing stone that boosts the immune system and helps the body heal itself.
  • Rhyolite is reputed to increase the body's natural resistance.  It is also known to stimulate the immune system
  • Ametrine strengthens the immune system and aids the autonomic nervous system.
  • Lemon Quartz improves health, provide us energy, and strengthen the immune system.
  • Schiller Green Spar improves circulation and boosting immune health.


2025 is a year of growth and optimism for Rabbits. The Snake’s calm and strategic energy complements your natural adaptability, helping you flourish in both personal and professional areas. Expect to experience joyful moments and focus on strengthening  bonds with loved ones as the year progresses.

Below are a collection of tools that may help you be lucky this year!. Check it out!

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