Collection: INCENSES for Healing

Incenses for healing are powerful tools used to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The aromatic smoke from these incenses can help clear negative energy, calm the mind, and balance the body’s energies. Popular healing incenses include:

  • 7 Archangels - This set of incense is imbued with the power of the 7 Archangels, each with a specific purpose, includes Good Health & Healing.
  • 7 Chakra (Sagada Madre) - clearing blockages, it supports emotional well-being and inner peace.
  • Amber - reduce stress & anxiety and enhance creativity
  • Blue Sage- healing and cleansing
  • Bergamot - helps reduce anxiety and promotes emotional balance.
  • Copal - is thought to help with both physical and emotional healing by balancing energy and promoting well-being.
  • Dahong Maria  (Mugwort) - to promote emotional and energetic healing.
  • Divine Blessing - to uplift the spirit, reduce stress, and promote a sense of peace and inner harmony.
  • Divine Healing- for healing
  • Dragon's Blood or Dragon's Blood Smudge Wand - is often used in healing rituals to clear negative energy and promote emotional or spiritual recovery.
  • Energizing- uplifting & energizing space
  • Frankincense- Supports spiritual healing, purification, and grounding.
  • Jasmine - reduce anxiety and depression & improve your sleep
  • Lavender- relieve anxiety and mental tension
  • Lemon Grass - helps alleviate headaches, particularly those caused by tension or stress.
  • Lotus-creation a sacred space for yoga, meditation & writing
  • Palo Santo - to calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and alleviate stress.
  • Pine Cinnamon - used to stimulate the senses and promote mental clarity.
  • Rosemary- enhances mental clarity and aids in physical healing by reducing stress.
  • Sandalwood- encourages mental clarity, peace, and emotional balance.
  • White sage or White Sage Smudge - It promotes mental clarity and emotional well-being by releasing stress and tension.
  • Ylang ylang- relieve depression, anxiety as well as frustration

To use, light the incense and let its fragrance fill the space while focusing on healing intentions. Perfect for meditation, relaxation, or healing rituals.


23 products